Kingdom of Gorontalo / Sulawesi – Prov. Gorontalo

The Kingdom of Gorontala was located on Sulawesi, in the province of Gorontalo. Founded 1385. In 1889  the royal government system was transferred to a direct government known as “Rechtatreeks Bestur”.

Province of Gorontalo

* Foto kingdom of Gorontalo: link

Line of kingdoms on Sulawesi: link

Foto kingdoms on Sulawesi

* Foto kings on Sulawesi today: link
* Foto kings on Sulawesi in the past: link
* Foto old sites on Sulawesi: link

Video history kingdoms on Sulawesi

– Video history kingdoms on Sulawesi, 40.000 BC – 2018: link
– Video history kingdoms on South Sulawesi, 1AD – 2020: link
– Video history kingdoms on Sulawesi Tenggara, 50.000 BC – 2020: link
– Video history kingdoms on North Sulawesi, 4000 BC – today: link

About the king (2020)

There is no information about the king or the royal family today.

Jogugu of Gorontalo – Rais Monoarfa. cucu raja terakhir Gorontalo. 1931.

History of the kingdom of Gorontalo, founded 1385

At first (12th century) the Kingdom of Gorontalo included 17 small kingdoms that were located at the foot / mountain slopes.
The 17 kingdoms (kerajaan) were:

  1. Kerajaan Hunginaa, Rajanya: Lihawa
  2. Kerajaan Lupoyo, Rajanya: Pai
  3. Kerajaan Bilinggata, Rajanya: Lou
  4. Kerajaan Wuwabu, Rajanya: Wahumolongo
  5. Kerajaan Biawu, Rajanya: Wolango Huladu
  6. Kerajaan Padengo, Rajanya: Palanggo
  7. Kerajaan Huwangobotu Olowala, Rajanya: Dawanggi
  8. Kerajaan Tapa, Rajanya: Deyilohiyo Daa
  9. Kerajaan Lauwonu, Rajanya: Bongohulawa (Perempuan)
  10. Kerajaan Toto, Rajanya: Tilopalani (Perempuan)
  11. Kerajaan Dumati, Rajanya: Buata
  12. Kerajaan Ilotidea, Rajanya: Tamau
  13. Kerajaan Pantungo, Rajanya: Ngobuto
  14. Kerajaan Panggulo, Rajanya: Hungiyelo
  15. Kerajaan Huangobotu Oloyihi, Rajanya: Lealini
  16. Kerajaan Tamboo, Rajanya: Dayilombuto (Perempuan)
  17. Kerajaan Hulontalangi, Rajanya: Humalanggi.

King Humalanggi of the Hulontalangi kingdom (14th century) was a King who liked to visit his collegue-kings, who in Gorontalo are called “melentalenga”.

King Humalanggi married Bulaidaa the younger daughter of King Mooduto (King Suwawa to XIX (1320-1427). The result of their marriage was a Prince named Ilahudu or Wadipalapa or Matolodula Daa, who has propertied and character like his father (King Humalanggi). He often visited other Kings with the intention of inviting the kings to a royal unit, and finally at a place called “Padengo Boidu” (the field of speech) was agreed to form a kingdom of unity called the Kingdom of Gorontalo (1385) consisting of 17 the small kingdom mentioned above. Then the two small kingdoms combine the Dembe and Pohuwayama. During the deliberation Ilahudu (Wadipalapa) agreed to be inaugurated as the King of United Kingdom of Gorontalo (1385.) The inauguration was called the “Huidu Lo Huntu Datahu” meaning, that the Divine Kingdom Hulontalangi, because of his good leadership he was chosen to be the King of Gorontalo.

In 1889, Gorontalo was under direct Dutch rule, which came to be known as “Rechtatreeks Bestuur”. In 1922, Gorontalo became three areas of government afdeling, namely, Gorontalo, Boalemo, and Buol. This condition lasted until the outbreak of World War II.

King of Gorontalo Djainal Abidin Alhabsi Monoarfa 1870.

Islam entering Gorontalo

Google translation

The teachings of Islam are estimated to enter Gorontalalo in the 15th century from the Ternate and Bone lines, this can be seen in the artifacts that existed in the Mosque of Hunto Sultan Amai 1495. The mosque was built by Sultan Amai, King in the sultanate of Gorontalo who embraced Islam.
From then on, Gorontalo became known. Gorontalo has became one of the centers of the spread of Islam in Eastern Indonesia. Gorontalo is also known as a center of education and trade. This is because of its strategic latek in Tomini Bay.

List of Kings

– Sumber / Source

Region of Gorontalo (beginning 20th century)

Source (only indon. language)

– Sejarah Gorontalo:
Sejarah Gorontalo:
– Sejarah Gorontalo:
– Sejarah Gorontalo:

Daftar Raja:
17 kerajaan kecil pada awal Gorontalo:
Orang Gorontalo keturunan Raja: link


King (Dogugu) of Gorontalo 1870

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