Kingdom of Selaparang / Isl. of Lombok – Prov. Nusa Tenggara Barat

The kingdom of Selaparang was located on the island of Lombok, prov. West Nusa Tenggara.
This kingdom existed in 2 periodes: in the 13th century and in the 16th century.

Lokation of Selaparang on Lombok


Lokation island of Lombok

* List of the kingdoms on Lombok: link

* Video history kingdoms on Lombok and NTB: link

* Foto of the Sasak People in the past: link
* Foto of the Sasak People today: link

* Foto intervention of the dutch on Lombok, 1894: link
* Foto old sites on Lombok: link


About the heir of Selaparang

Chief Dinasty (2015) : Lalu Takdir dan Baiq Ratna Mulhimmah.
Info from: Pangeran Maspanji Lalu Satria Wangsa, Chief Dinasty of the kingdom of Pejanggik, 17 febr. 2015.

History of the kingdom of Selaparang, 13th and 16th century

In the 9th century until the 11th century existed Sasak Kingdom, which was later defeated by one of the kingdoms coming from Bali at that time. Some other kingdoms that existed on the island of Lombok are Pejanggik, Langko, Bayan, Samarkaton and Selaparang Sockong.
Selaparang Kingdom itself appeared in two periods, namely in the 13th century and the 16th century.
The first kingdom of Selaparang was the Hindu kingdom and its power ended with the arrival of the Majapahit Kingdom expedition in 1357.
The second Selaparang kingdom was the Islamic empire and its power ended in 1744 after being conquered by the combined forces of the Kingdom of Karangasem of Bali and the Getas Arya Banjar.

Arya Banjar Getas and his followers decided to leave Selaparang and join a military expedition of the Kingdom of Mataram Karang Asem (Bali) which at that time had successfully landed in West Lombok. Then with all his tactics, Arya Banjar Getas arranged with the Kingdom of Mataram Karang Asem to jointly attack the Selaparang Kingdom. In the end, the military expedition succeeded in conquering Selaparang Kingdom. The incident occurred around the year 1725 AD. Since then, the Kingdom of Karang Asem became the ruler of west and east juring in Lombok.

Gedeng Datu / Gedeng Ketangan, the place of a Datu of Selaparang

List of rulers

Ministers of Selaparang, 1865

History of the kingdoms on Lombok

According to the contents of Babad Lombok, the oldest kingdom that once ruled on Lombok, was named kingdom of Laeq (in sasak laeq means past time), but another source namely Babad Suwung, declared that the oldest kingdom in Lombok was the Kingdom of Suwung, built and led by King Betara Indera. The kingdom of Suwung then was replaced by the kingdom of Lombok. In the 9th century until the 11th century existed the Sasak Kingdom which was later defeated by one of the kingdoms, who came from Bali at that time.

In Lombok, in its development, there are traces of the four main kingdoms, namely the Kingdom of Bayan in the west, Selaparang Kingdom in the East, Langko Kingdom in the middle, and Pejanggik Kingdom in the south. In addition to these four kingdoms, there were small kingdoms, such as Parwa and Sokong and several small villages, such as Pujut, Tempit, Kedaro, Batu Dendeng, Kuripan, Samarkaton and Kentawang. All these kingdoms and villages became independent territory after the Majapahit kingdom collapsed. Among the most prominent and most famous kingdoms and villages was the Lombok Kingdom based in Labuhan Lombok.

The Dutch had first visited Lombok in 1674 and the Dutch East India Company concluded its first treaty with the Sasak Princess of Lombok. The Balinese had managed to take over the whole island by 1750, but Balinese infighting resulted in the island being split into four feuding Balinese kingdoms. In 1838, the Mataram kingdom brought its rivals under control.

During one of the many Sasak peasant rebellions against the Balinese, Sasak chiefs sent envoys to the Dutch in Bali and invited them to rule Lombok. In June 1894, the governor general of the Dutch East Indies, Van der Wijck, signed a treaty with Sasak rebels in eastern Lombok. He sent a large army to Lombok and the Balinese raja capitulated to Dutch demands. (see Dutch intervention in Lombok) The younger princes however overruled the raja and attacked and pushed back the Dutch. The Dutch counterattacked overrunning Mataram and the raja surrendered. The entire island was annexed to the Netherlands East Indies in 1895. The Dutch ruled over Lombok’s 500,000 people with a force of no more than 250 by cultivating the support of the Balinese and Sasak aristocracy. The Dutch are remembered in Lombok as liberators from Balinese hegemony.

Lombok before the war of 1891

red = Balinese
blue = Sasak

LOMBOK sebelum perang 1891

Source Kedatuan Selaparang (only indon. language)

– Sejarah kerajaan Selaparang:
Sejarah kerajaan Selaparang di Wiki:
Asal usul kerajaan Selaparang:
Kedatuan Selaparang:
Sumber silsilah penguasa  Selaparang:

Source old kingdoms on Lombok (only indon. language)

– Sejarah Kedatuan kuno Sasak:
– Sejarah Kedatuan kuno Sasak:
– Sejarah pulau Lombok di Wiki:

Source entering Islam on Lombok (only indon. language)

– Masuk Islam di Lombok:
– Masuk Islam di Lombok:


Grave of a king of Selaparang, located in  Desa Selaparang, Kecamatan Suela

Jejak Kerajaan Selaparang Kembali Ditemukan Warga

Grave in Lendang Nangka, supposed to be the grave of a crown prince

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